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How does it all work?

We can hold our initial meeting via Zoom, Teams, or Google Meet. During that initial meeting we will be asking about what you would like to accomplish as specifically as we can manage. Don't worry, every project starts 'foggy' and we work it towards clarity.

We can do a lot of different things!

Some of our clients are pretty sure something is wrong, but cannot pinpoint the issues. Others are planning for an accreditation visit, and still others know that it is time to take a bottom-up look at their current program.

The General Process...
Different goals take us in different directions, but our project will likely include some version of these steps or deliverables:


  1. A disciplined look (or in-depth study) to determine the optimal state in your context. The first milestone is having an objective (measurable) description of what 'great' looks like. This effort will start looking broadly, but then become more specific and concrete. The result is an operational vision that we will use as the evaluation standard as we move ahead.

  2. A look at the current state. Then we describe the current state using measurable elements of that vision. The depth of effort here is dependent upon the type of project.

  3. A description of the gaps between where we are and where we want to be. After defining the optimal state in measurable ways, then measuring the current state, we will notice gaps of varying degrees. These gaps aren't necessarily problems, they can be opportunities.

  4. A thorough (or brief) analysis of root causes of current gaps. For each significant gap, we'll develop a root cause table that will allow us to identify key issues we can address. This table can also include candidate solutions for addressing the identified root causes.

  5. A design plan to get us from where we are to where we all want us to be. Together we will design the most efficient solution set for the identified gaps and opportunities for your project.

  6. A development plan for implementing our solutions. If the project includes development, we will articulate an implementation plan.

  7. An evaluation plan for assessing the efficacy of your solutions.  In every case we will provide evaluation recommendations describing how we recommend you evaluate the project components, including the recommended timing for those evaluations.

Different projects will dictate different action steps, and the scale of the project will dictate the scale of the effort, but you can expect your project will include some level of thought for all these steps.

The General Process

Articulate Optimals

Define Current State

Define Performance Gaps

Root Cause Analysis
with Solutions

Design Solution Set

 Development Plan

Evaluation Plan

Understanding Process

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